
I can promise you
I will fight every day
For you
For us
Because I know we are meant to be together

Soul on Fire

I’m still trying to find what sets my soul on fire

A Perfect Morning

A Perfect Morning

Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

All the best people I know still don’t have life figured out
You’re doing better than you think you are


There is always a solution to a problem
It may just take some time for it to appear

The Diaspora

How is it that I yearn for a place
I have never been
Yet is a part of me
No matter where I go

My Promise To You

You may feel like you’ll never love again
But I assure you
You will

The Revival

Beaten, broken and unable to stand
Reaching out and hoping someone will grab my hand
No ones does and therefore I’m on my own
So I push myself up
I sweat
I bleed
Still pushing through the pain
Finally I stand
This is my revival


To be different is to be free

A Love Lost

I still think about you
Wonder how you are
And who you’re with
You’ll always be
A love lost